Many of us would really like to have a checking account with an amount consistently in it that has a comma strategically placed in the number that appears on our banking app when we open it. Or maybe we fall into the area of just wanting to have more money at the end of the month. No matter which side of the fence you prescribe to on this matter, all can agree that money may not be the answer to all our problems. But it sure can ease the pain and despair behind a lot of them. The problem is many of us do not have a basic understanding of money or how to get it. So, let us explore this shall we.

What is money?

In its’ simplest term, money is the currency you and I utilize to exchange for goods and services. The more currency we have, the more goods and services we can obtain and in higher quality. You may be saying to yourself “well Rob I know what money is. The concern I have is “how to do I get more of it?” Well here is the good news, there are only two ways to get money when you break it down. (Two legal ways that is lol). One, you sell something and bring in all the money from that sell, minus operating costs of course. Or two, you give up your time to another individual. And in return, they give you money. The first method is called “owning a business.” The second is called a “job.” Now again, this may sound all so simple and rudimentary. However, so many of us say we want more money or abundance. Yet, we do not have a basic understanding of how to obtain it. So, let me ask you this…If more abundance is your goal, then are you willing to sell something or work more hours for someone else. No matter which direction you choose, you must weigh the cost vs reward. Every action we take has a response that comes with it. Have you weighed the cost?

What does it mean to have money?

Okay, so let us say that you now have the abundance you so desired, now what? What are you going to do with the extra financial assets that you have at your disposal? Are you going to pay off some debt? Donate to a favorite charity? Start a non-profit. Pay for a child’s college fund. Or just straight ball out and buy everyone in your immediate family a new ride? My point is this, first you must know exactly what you would do with your “newfound” abundance. So many people say to themselves every year on January first that I am going to lose weight and save money. Yet for most, neither happen. (weight loss talks coming in another conversation.) One of the reasons for this is because of a lack of financial literacy. To put it another way, many of us say I will save more money when I get more money. That is like taking someone to the gym who has little to no weight training experience. Placing them on the bench with 400lbs on the bar. Then hoping they do not kill or seriously inure themselves trying to lift it. Ever wonder why lottery winners are financially broke within three to five years of winning the lottery. That is because they had no idea what it means to have money. If financial abundance is the goal, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, then I strongly recommend partnering with either an accountant, review trusted online resources, or a trusted friend who is where you want to be financially. Like everything, having money comes with responsibility and required knowledge. Whether the income level is 40k a year or 40k a month, both levels come with know what it means to have that money.

What is your get money plan?

So, you have made up your mind that you want to reach financial abundance. This can come in a multitude of ways, whether it be keeping your current profession and sticking to a budget. Starting a side hustle with a network marketing company. Or starting your online business. It really does not matter. The question is, what is your plan? Here are a few recommendations that may assist you.

1. What are your financial goals for 1, 2, and 5 years? Write them down and review them every day. Every quarter. Every year. Are you on track to meet that goal? If not, then it is time to course correct and adjust.

2. Find out what you do not know. Blind spots can hinder our plan. This is where an effective coach can come in. Or is there a skill that you need to learn. Either way, find out what you do not know and get the assistance you need to cover that gap.

3. Stick to the plan. Sounds basic (because it is). On the other hand, soooo many people give up because it gets to tough. Play the long game. Financial abundance is the whole chicken in the crock pot. Not the popcorn in the microwave. In other words, start and stay patient.

4. Be weird. In other words, be willing to do things that others will not do and do not apologize for it. You are putting the well being of your family first. No one else’s opinion should matter. Millionaires are millionaires because they took the road less traveled. I say follow that path. Besides, who wants to sit in traffic anyway.

Money is a tool. One that we all need. And like any tool, we must learn how to effectively use it. Financial literacy starts with a basic understanding of where you are, where you want to be, and how you will get there. I pray that something you have read today will assist you on your road less traveled. The one with the signs pointing toward financial abundance. If I can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to reach out. We can connect via my website or Facebook or Instagram at Rob Gray Coaching. Also, please check out my podcast “The Champ Up Podcast” which can be found on Itunes, Google paly, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Best Regards,


Robert Gray